Chirik-Rabat site - ІV-II cc. B.C.

Chirik-Rabat site - ІV-II cc. B.C.

Chirik-Rabat ancient settlement is located 90 km of the south-west of the Komekbaev village, Karmakshinsky district of the Kyzylorda region.

The ancient settlement Chirik-Rabat is located on the banks of the ancient river bed Zhanadarya, which is densely overgrown with saxaul. The layout of the settlement corresponds to the oval contours of a hill, the length of which is equal to 850 m and width about 600 m. During the research, on the area of the settlement traces of several fortified belts at different times were found. The largest area (42.16 hectares) has the oldest settlement, oval in the layout and surrounded by a double belt of fortifications. In the central part of the monument, there is a root square fortification (12.4 hectares), probably relating to the same time, which can be regarded as a citadel of the ancient settlement. The southern half of the area (about 20 hectares) of the ancient settlement is cut off by the wall of the later settlement, the fortifications of which are best preserved. The ancient settlement is surrounded by a water gang of 40 m wide and 4.5 m deep (to the base of the fortress walls).

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