Aksoran peak

	Aksoran peak

Aksoran peak

Aksoran is the highest point of the kyzylaray mountains and the Kazakh melkosopochnik (Sary-Arki) in General, its height is 1565 meters. The panorama of the surrounding mountain oasis of the steppe, opening from the top, is worth it to overcome about 600 meters of ascent. Visibility from Aksoran is more than a hundred kilometers and, if you look closely, you can see the outlines of the Bektau-ATA mountains on the horizon, located at a distance of 120 kilometers from it. The Kyzylarai mountains themselves are considered the largest habitat of argali – mountain sheep on the territory of Kazakhstan. And local pine forests growing on granite rocks are of interest to scientists as the southernmost place of pine growth in the Central Kazakhstan ecosystem, bordering the desert expanses. The kyzylaray mountains are remarkable for their unspoilt nature, and tourists are still very rare guests here. The epithet, often applied to Akarana speaks for itself – the "Roof of the steppes".

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